
Questions To Ask Before Diving Into Social Media — 5 Comments

  1. Hi Forrest,
    Nice post. Informative and to the point. Your clients should definitely ponder these, and other, questions before jumping into the deep end of social media communication channels.
    The one question that I’ve had lots of dialogue with my clients around touches on sustainability: how will the dialogue – and it needs to be a dialogue – be sustained over time? Are you prepared to put resources into this endeavor? And…where’s it leading? Additional, future purchases? Referral business? Brand building? Product enhancements? Etc…you get the point.
    Again, nice post.
    David Mann

  2. David.

    Yours is a great point. Sustainability is a real issue and gets back to the objective of the social media program. If an organization wants a one-time hit, social media may not be the best way to do that.

    An interesting piece of research would be to find out how people engaged with an organization through social media feel about organizations that begin conversations in social media and then reduce the frequency or altogether stop making comments.

    I wonder if that creates negative feelings or if it doesn’t matter.

    Forrest W. Anderson

  3. Good post, Forrest. Too many take a Ready, Fire, Aim approach to social media without asking the right questions up front. One dynamic I would add is listening. For most companies just starting out in social media the right advice is to listen to what is being said in social media first rather than worrying initially about what you want to communicate. Listen – Engage – Measure is a simple way to think about social media strategy at a high level.
    -Don B @donbart

  4. Thanks Don.

    You are spot on.

    I wonder if organizations are very close to the listening idea. The model I grew up in was send the message, usually with very little understanding of the target audience in the first place. I think one of the great advantages of social media is the opportunity for organizations to listen and engage in a conversation. But I wonder how many are actually interested in having that conversation and creating that relationship with stakeholders.

    Forrest W. Anderson

  5. Hi Forrest,

    Great post. Sound strategy is so key in social media; in fact, taking the time to lay a proper foundation through listening, evaluation, goal setting and resource allocation dramatically increases your chances of succeeding. Social media endeavors need to be given the same consideration as other business decisions, and your post outlines some of the compelling reasons why.

    Many thanks,
    Amber Naslund
    Director of Community, Radian6