
Moving Toward Two-Way Communication — 3 Comments

  1. Forrest – I thought your article was excellent. You have a great way of simplifying concepts, and making good logic out of the flow. I’ve enjoyed some of the other papers, too, as time has allowed.

    Of course, measurement tools abound for ‘listening.’ The ones who seem to do it well are firms like Radian6 and others who are solely devoted to the task. The problem, though, is that listening to millions of conversations takes a lot of time. How to ferret out what matters is the holy grail!

    Anyway, great job! I enjoy your work!

  2. Forrest –

    The tools are certainly out there, but there still remains a significant bias in corporate life against research-based communication. The first question asked is “what will we get out of this research?” The question should be “what is our objective?” but frequently the idea of really listening isn’t seen as a valuable objective. We still have a long way to go — the thinking is still too one-way and too control-oriented in way too many institutions.

    But, you are right on the money here!

    Sean Williams
    [email protected]

  3. Angie,

    Thanks for your comment!


    I’m glad to see I’m not the only one that perceives a bias in management against research-based communication. I do believe it is getting better, but I believe part of that has to do with the reduction in cost. Lots of moving parts out there.