
It’s Not Big Data, It’s Analytics — 3 Comments

  1. Exactly. I don’t think people should set themselves up to be intimidated by their problems. Instead, they should seize them, piece them apart, break them down into analyzable components, then figure out the solution from there: what to make of them, and how. That is at the heart of data management, or any management for that matter. It shouldn’t be a conundrum. Nothing is too big for anything.

    Beverley @ Golt Works

  2. This is spot on. As a client of mine posits, most companies or entities don’t even have “Big Data” let alone problems (or needed solutions) that “Big Data” would solve. Most are dealing with “Small Data” and that is perfectly fine. “Small Data” is not only easier to attain and analyze, it can be transformed into powerful actionable results. That’s what most business owners and managers are looking for. Beverly Mccombs – you are spot on – break it down in to analyzable components, then figure out solutions that will transform the way you do business. That can be very revealing.

    Read this blog entry if you’re curious: